- Data Central
- Wildfire History
Wildfire History
Prescribed Fire
Burned Area Response
Source: National Interagency Fire Center
Incident Name | STANDI |
Incident Type | Wildfire |
Discovery Acres | 0.01 |
Fire Discovery Date & Time | June 12, 2024, 10:06 p.m. |
Fire Out Date & Time | June 15, 2024, 1 p.m. |
Containment Date & Time | June 13, 2024, 3 a.m. |
Control Date & Time | June 13, 2024, 7 p.m. |
ADS Permission State | DEFAULT |
Fire Cause | Human |
Fire Code | R0HC |
Geographic Area Coordination Centers (GACC) | GBCC |
Initial Latitude & Longitude | 43.378455, -116.235775 |
County | Ada |
Dispatch Center ID | IDBDC |
FIPS | 16001 |
Landowner Category | DOD |
Landowner Kind | Federal |
Protecting Agency | BLM |
Protecting Unit | IDBOD |
State | ID |
WFDSS Decision Status | No Decision |
Type | '+feature.properties.type+' |
Fire Discovery | '+feature.properties.fdt+' |
Fire Cause | '+feature.properties.fc+' |
Fire Behavior | '+feature.properties.fbg+' |
Size (Acres) | '+feature.properties.size+' |
City | '+feature.properties.city+' |
County | '+feature.properties.cnty+' |
State | '+feature.properties.st+' |
Land Ownership | '+feature.properties.owner+' |
'+feature.properties.isd+' |
Source: National Interagency Fire Center
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