28 and M - Wildfire and Smoke Map (2024)

  1. Data Central
  2. Fire and Smoke

Hazard Mapping System: Wildfire and Smoke

Fire Detail

Name28 and M
Incident Type CategoryWildfire
Incident Size (Acres)40
Fire CauseUndetermined
Fire Discovery Date TimeJune 10, 2024, 7 p.m.
Fire Discovery Age2 days
Modified Date TimeJune 12, 2024, 7:27 p.m.

Area Detail

Level III EcoregionSouthwestern Tablelands
Land FormModerate hills
PAD-USSlb Land
Percent: Develop 0.79%
Percent: Forest 0.03%
Percent: Shrub 34.17%
Percent: Glass 55.93%
Percent: Cropland8.47%
Percent: Wetlands0.61%


28 and M - Wildfire and Smoke Map (1) Wildfire (WFIGS)

28 and M - Wildfire and Smoke Map (2)New Wildfire - Past 24 hours

28 and M - Wildfire and Smoke Map (3) Prescribed Fire (WFIGS)

28 and M - Wildfire and Smoke Map (4) Other (WFIGS)

28 and M - Wildfire and Smoke Map (5) Fire (USGS)

28 and M - Wildfire and Smoke Map (6) Fire (NOAA)

Potential Fire (NOAA)


Red Flag Warning

Fire Weather Watch

Source: The Wildland Fire Interagency Geospatial Service(WFIGS), Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC), NOAA Office of Satellite and Product Operations

Reported Fires


(County, State)

CountyStateFire Discoverd Date% ContainedSize (Acres)Estimated Cost to DateEstimated PopulationEstimated Housing Units
RX Fletcher 1 and 3 - Prescribed Fire

(Logan County, AR)

LoganARMarch 23, 2024, 8:26 a.m.Unknown5305319
RX Scottside 1 and 3 - Prescribed Fire

(Scott County, AR)

ScottARMarch 27, 2024, 11 a.m.Unknown3373111
Mark Twain RX - Prescribed Fire

(Taney County, MO)

TaneyMOMarch 23, 2024, 8:07 a.m.Unknown3632914
Washington Bald RX - Prescribed Fire

(Ozark County, MO)

OzarkMOMarch 12, 2024, 8 a.m.Unknown9803928
Bascomb Bald RX - Prescribed Fire

(Ozark County, MO)

OzarkMOMarch 12, 2024, 8:08 a.m.Unknown2146443
Rock Pile RX - Prescribed Fire

(Howell County, MO)

HowellMOMarch 19, 2024, 7:44 a.m.Unknown2,58825381

(Canadian County, OK)

CanadianOKJune 12, 2024, 3 p.m.Unknown30
LIME CREEK - Wildfire

(Comanche County, OK)

ComancheOKJune 14, 2024, 2:25 p.m.Unknown
Rx Angelina 1681 - Prescribed Fire

(Angelina County, TX)

AngelinaTXJune 11, 2024, 8 a.m.Unknown1

(Roger Mills County, OK)

Roger MillsOKJune 13, 2024, 2:26 p.m.Unknown3116
Rx Hardin 1655 - Prescribed Fire

(Hardin County, TX)

HardinTXJune 3, 2024, 8:16 a.m.Unknown2201910
Rx Hardin 1683 - Prescribed Fire

(Hardin County, TX)

HardinTXJune 11, 2024, 8 a.m.Unknown233
O-02 N and Pond Buffer RX - Prescribed Fire

(Jackson County, MS)

JacksonMSMarch 10, 2024, 12:59 p.m.Unknown891,915747
MSR O-06 RX - Prescribed Fire

(Jackson County, MS)

JacksonMSApril 8, 2024, 10:40 a.m.Unknown1101,845713
O-07 NW and O-01 (Sprayfield) RX - Prescribed Fire

(Jackson County, MS)

JacksonMSMarch 12, 2024, 8:53 a.m.Unknown101360120
MSR O-05N RX - Prescribed Fire

(Jackson County, MS)

JacksonMSMarch 14, 2024, 9:33 a.m.Unknown95301104
O-06 Central and South RX - Prescribed Fire

(Jackson County, MS)

JacksonMSMarch 7, 2024, 8:20 a.m.Unknown2501,016407

(Jackson County, MS)

JacksonMSJune 8, 2024, 4 p.m.Unknown6,1642,610
CON YRN06 RX - Prescribed Fire

(Covington County, AL)

CovingtonALMarch 12, 2024, 2:21 p.m.Unknown28616963
Gobbler - Wildfire

(Mora County, NM)

MoraNMJune 12, 2024, 7:46 p.m.Unknown10
RIVERSIDE - Wildfire

(Eddy County, NM)

EddyNMJune 14, 2024, 2:52 p.m.Unknown39
Antelope - Wildfire

(Mora County, NM)

MoraNMJune 12, 2024, 6:26 p.m.Unknown41
PIGEON CREEK (03) - Wildfire

(Bay County, FL)

BayFLJune 14, 2024, 9:45 a.m.70%300
County Road 90 - Wildfire

(Elbert County, CO)

ElbertCOJune 15, 2024, 7 p.m.Unknown25022
2024 RRFD Transfer Station Pile RX - Prescribed Fire

(Taos County, NM)

TaosNMJune 15, 2024, 9:02 a.m.Unknown

Smoke Description

Descriptive text narrative for smoke/dust observed in satelite imagery through June 15, 2024, 6:05 p.m.

Southwestern US/Midwestern US/Southern US/ Atlantic Seaboard - Remnant smoke originating from previous and ongoing wildfires in Canada, has mixed with both current smoke from ongoing fires in the Midwest and smoke/aerosols emanating from the Gulf of Mexico. This mass of smoke and aerosols have been observed blowing eastwards and blanketing the Midwestern and Southern US states. The mass of smoke was observed wrapping around the central Appalachian Mountains and blowing across the east coast into the Atlantic Ocean.

South Central Utah/Northern New Mexico/Central Texas - Lite to Medium density smoke emanating from suspected agricultural burns in South Central Utah have continued to persist into the evening. The large band of smoke observed in the morning proceeded to blow towards the east, crossing into states such as Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and bending towards the South into Central Texas.

Source: NOAA


OFF THE GRID: Power Outage TrackerAs severe weather or blizzards threaten, this database scrapes power outage information from more than 1,000 companies nationwide. It will automatically update every 15 minutes.Weather Alerts: Warnings, Watches and AdvisoriesTrack all current severe weather warnings, watches and advisories for Fort Smith, Arkansas and other areas in the United States on the interactive weather alerts page. This data is updated every 5 minutes.Rolling Storm Damage ReportsAs storms strike, this interactive map is your guide to impacts and damage reports coming into National Weather Service stations nationwide.A history of twisters: Tornadoes in Florida since 1950sThis interactive map, which contains data from January 1950, pinpoints where a cyclone touched down and traces its path of destruction. For more recent tornadoes, clicking deeper provides more details, damage estimates and whether someone was injured or killed in the storm.Real-time Streamflow Map: River Water Level Current data typically are recorded at 15- to 60-minute intervals.Excessive Rainfall ForecastWeather Prediction Center forecasts the probability that rainfall will exceed flash flood guidance within 25 miles of a point.Maximum Heat Index ForecastMaximum heat index forecast for next 7 days. Updated daily from May 1 through Sept. 30Drought Monitor and HistoryData shows the location and intensity of drought across the country.Wildfire HistorySee a map of wildfires since 2017Air Quality Index (AQI) Forecasts and Current ConditionsThe Air Quality Index (AQI) translates air quality data into numbers and colors that help people understand when to take action to protect their health.Storm Tracker and Model MixerA hurricane watcher's guide to the latest track and model forecasts. This storm tracker contains data from 1851.Weather Data since 1895County-level monthly precipitation and temperature data since 1895 provieded by National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). The data is updated every month.

Mapping smoke from Canada: As wildfires burn, check the air quality in your area

Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, parts of Wisconsin and Iowa were under an air quality alert Monday because of wildfire smoke coming from Canada.

Source: '+feature.properties.Satellite+' Satellite Image

'; return popupContent; } function onGonFeature(feature) { var popupContent = '

Smoke - '+ feature.properties.Density +' Density

Source: '+feature.properties.Satellite+' Satellite Image

'; return popupContent; } function onCWWFeature(feature) { //const options = { weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }; const options = { dateStyle: 'full', timeStyle: 'long', timeZone: "America/Chicago" }; var dlink = '/severe-weather-alerts-warnings-watches/detail/'+slugify(feature.properties.p+' '+feature.properties.s+' '+feature.properties.ex)+'/'+feature.properties.id+'/' if (feature.properties.d != null) { var wwadesc = truncate(feature.properties.d, 15); if (feature.properties.d != wwadesc) { wwadesc += '...... VIEW MORE ' } } else { var wwadesc = '' } var popupContent = '

'+feature.properties.p+' '+feature.properties.s+'

'; popupContent += '

'; popupContent += ''; if (feature.properties.d != null){popupContent += '';} if (feature.properties.is != null){popupContent += '';} if (feature.properties.ex != null){popupContent += '';} if (feature.properties.h != null && feature.properties.h != 'None'){popupContent += '';} popupContent += '
Initially Issued'+new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-us', options).format(new Date(feature.properties.is*1000))+'
Expires'+new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-us', options).format(new Date(feature.properties.ex*1000))+'


'; return popupContent; } function onCombinediPntFeature(feature,cu) { if (feature.properties.cat === 'WF'){ var itp = 'Wildfire'; } else if (feature.properties.cat === 'RX'){ var itp = 'Prescribed Fire'; } else {var itp = 'Other';} var popupContent = '


'; var ddtv = new Date(feature.properties.ddt); popupContent += ''; popupContent += ''; if (feature.properties.cont != null){ popupContent += ''; } if (feature.properties.rpnt != null){ popupContent += ''; } if (feature.properties.desc != null){ popupContent += ''; } if (feature.properties.iac != null){ popupContent += ''; } if (feature.properties.ct != null){ popupContent += ''; } if (feature.properties.cost != null){ popupContent += ''; } if (feature.properties.pop != null){ popupContent += ''; } if (feature.properties.hou != null){ popupContent += ''; } popupContent += '
Fire Discovery DateTime'+ddtv+'
Stage of Control'+feature.properties.cont+'
Response Type'+feature.properties.rpnt+'
Area Description'+feature.properties.desc+'
Size (Acres)'+addComma(feature.properties.iac,'')+'
Estimated Cost to Date'+addComma(feature.properties.cost,'$')+'
Estimated Population'+addComma(feature.properties.pop,'')+'
Estimated Housing Units'+addComma(feature.properties.hou,'')+'

'; popupContent += '


'; if (cu == 'US'){ popupContent += '

Source: The Wildland Fire Interagency Geospatial Service (WFIGS)

'; } else if (cu == 'CA'){ popupContent += '

Source: Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC)

'; } return popupContent; } // var csloc = {"type":"FeatureCollection", "features":[{"type":"Feature","ct":"Point","properties":{"name":"Fort Smith, AR", "pmk":"NTRE", "GEO_ID":"05131","TIME":"","knt":"", "icon":"/static//markers/original/tourism/citysquare.png", "bgc":""},"description":{"stormtype":""},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-94.4165,35.3662]} } ]};mapboxgl.accessToken = 'pk.eyJ1IjoieXB5dW4iLCJhIjoiY2oxcW4ybWhxMDBkMjJxcGVhbDV5cnpzYyJ9.oFQSnOc57xCR7A51OR6-3w';var thisStyle = 'mapbox://styles/ypyun/ck0flqufl2k1x1cpmupm5sl2y';var map = new mapboxgl.Map({container: 'firetrackingmap', style: thisStyle, center: [-102.257787259561, 37.8016733149956], zoom: 12, attributionControl: false, });map.addControl(new mapboxgl.AttributionControl({ compact: true, customAttribution:[''] }));map.on('load', function () { var layers = map.getStyle().layers; var firstSymbolId; for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { if (layers[i].type === 'symbol') { firstSymbolId = layers[i].id; break; } } map.addSource('cww', {type: 'geojson', data: '/media/jsons/weather/wwa/current_ww_crh.json?v='+rnna }); map.addLayer({ "id": "FWW", "type": "fill", "source":"cww", "filter":['all', ["==", "p", "Red Flag"], ["==", "s", "Warning"], ], "paint": {'fill-color': {type:'identity', property:'c'}, 'fill-opacity':0.6, 'fill-outline-color': '#CCC'}}, firstSymbolId); map.addLayer({ "id": "FWA", "type": "fill", "source":"cww", "filter":['all', ["==", "p", "Fire Weather"], ["==", "s", "Watch"], ], "paint": {'fill-color': {type:'identity', property:'c'}, 'fill-opacity':0.6, 'fill-outline-color': '#CCC'}}, firstSymbolId); map.addLayer({ "id": "HWW", "type": "fill", "source":"cww", "filter":['all', ["==", "p", "High Wind"], ["==", "s", "Warning"], ], "paint": {'fill-color': {type:'identity', property:'c'}, 'fill-opacity':0.6, 'fill-outline-color': '#CCC'}}, firstSymbolId); map.addLayer({ "id": "HWA", "type": "fill", "source":"cww", "filter":['all', ["==", "p", "High Wind"], ["==", "s", "Watch"], ], "paint": {'fill-color': {type:'identity', property:'c'}, 'fill-opacity':0.6, 'fill-outline-color': '#CCC'}}, firstSymbolId); for (const weatherAlert of ['FWW','FWA','HWW','HWA','FRW','FRA']){ map.on('click', weatherAlert, function (e) {new mapboxgl.Popup({ offset: 14 }).setLngLat(e.lngLat).setHTML(onCWWFeature(e.features[0])).addTo(map);}); map.on('mouseenter', weatherAlert, function () {map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'pointer'; }); map.on('mouseleave', weatherAlert, function () {map.getCanvas().style.cursor = ''; }); } map.addSource('GeoSmoke', {type: 'geojson', data: '/media/wildfire/active/smoke_noaa.json?v='+rnna }); map.addLayer({ "id": "GeoMACSmokeL", "type": "fill", "source": "GeoSmoke", filter: ["==", "Density", "Light"], "paint": {'fill-color': "#ad6d2d", 'fill-opacity':0.2, 'fill-outline-color': '#c07b36', }}, firstSymbolId); map.addLayer({ "id": "GeoMACSmokeM", "type": "fill", "source": "GeoSmoke", filter: ["==", "Density", "Medium"],"paint": {'fill-color': "#874504", 'fill-opacity':0.2, 'fill-outline-color': '#c07b36', }}, firstSymbolId); map.addLayer({ "id": "GeoMACSmokeH", "type": "fill", "source": "GeoSmoke", filter: ["==", "Density", "Heavy"], "paint": {'fill-color': "#5c2f03", 'fill-opacity':0.2, 'fill-outline-color': '#c07b36', }}, firstSymbolId); for (const smokeLevel of ['GeoMACSmokeL','GeoMACSmokeM','GeoMACSmokeH']){ map.on('click', smokeLevel, function (e) {new mapboxgl.Popup({ offset: 14 }).setLngLat(e.lngLat).setHTML(onGonFeature(e.features[0])).addTo(map);}); map.on('mouseenter', smokeLevel, function () {map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'pointer'; }); map.on('mouseleave', smokeLevel, function () {map.getCanvas().style.cursor = ''; }); } // add a clustered GeoJSON source for powerplant map.addSource('SourceNOAA', {type: 'geojson', data: '/media/wildfire/active/fire_noaa.json?v='+rnna, 'cluster': true, 'clusterRadius': 30, 'clusterMaxZoom': 6 }); map.addLayer({ id: "clusters", type: "circle", source: "SourceNOAA", filter: ["has", "point_count"], paint: { "circle-color": ["step",["get", "point_count"],"#f73b3b", 50, "#eb1c1c", 150, "#b50000" ], "circle-radius": ["step", ["get", "point_count"], 20,50,30,150,40], "circle-opacity": 0.4 } },firstSymbolId); map.addLayer({ id: "cluster-count", type: "symbol", source: "SourceNOAA", filter: ["has", "point_count"], layout: {"text-field": "{point_count_abbreviated}","text-font": ["DIN Offc Pro Medium", "Arial Unicode MS Bold"], "text-size": 12 } }); map.addLayer({ id: "unclustered-point", type: "circle", source: "SourceNOAA", filter: ["!", ["has", "point_count"]], paint: {"circle-color": "#b50000", "circle-radius": 5, "circle-stroke-width": 1, "circle-stroke-color": "#CCC",} }); map.on('click', 'unclustered-point', function (e) {new mapboxgl.Popup({ offset: 14 }).setLngLat(e.lngLat).setHTML(onSLFFeature(e.features[0])).addTo(map);}); map.on('mouseenter', 'unclustered-point', function () {map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'pointer'; }); map.on('mouseleave', 'unclustered-point', function () {map.getCanvas().style.cursor = ''; }); // inspect a cluster on click map.on('click', 'clusters', function (e) { var features = map.queryRenderedFeatures(e.point, { layers: ['clusters'] }); var clusterId = features[0].properties.cluster_id; map.getSource('SourceNOAA').getClusterExpansionZoom(clusterId, function (err, zoom) { if (err) return; map.easeTo({center: features[0].geometry.coordinates, zoom: zoom }); }); }); map.loadImage('/media/wildfire/icon/wf.png', function(error, image) {if (error) throw error; map.addImage('wfigsWF', image); }); map.loadImage('/media/wildfire/icon/wf_new.png', function(error, image) {if (error) throw error; map.addImage('wfigsWFNEW', image); }); map.loadImage('/media/wildfire/icon/rx.png', function(error, image) {if (error) throw error; map.addImage('wfigsRX', image); }); map.loadImage('/media/wildfire/icon/cx.png', function(error, image) {if (error) throw error; map.addImage('wfigsCX', image); }); map.addSource('combined_wildfire', {type: 'geojson', data: '/media/wildfire/active/wildfire_combined_location.json?v='+rnna }); map.addLayer({"id": "FEMALayerWN", "type": "symbol", "source": "combined_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wfn"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWFNEW', "icon-size": 0.15, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "FEMALayerW1", "type": "symbol", "source": "combined_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wf1"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWF', "icon-size": 0.15, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "FEMALayerW2", "type": "symbol", "source": "combined_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wf2"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWF', "icon-size": 0.20, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "FEMALayerW3", "type": "symbol", "source": "combined_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wf3"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWF', "icon-size": 0.25, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "FEMALayerW4", "type": "symbol", "source": "combined_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wf4"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWF', "icon-size": 0.30, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "FEMALayerW5", "type": "symbol", "source": "combined_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wf5"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWF', "icon-size": 0.35, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "FEMALayerRX", "type": "symbol", "source": "combined_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","rx"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsRX', "icon-size": 0.15, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "FEMALayerCX", "type": "symbol", "source": "combined_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","cx"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsCX', "icon-size": 0.15, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addSource('canada_wildfire', {type: 'geojson', data: '/media/wildfire/active/wildfire_canada_location.json?v='+rnna }); map.addLayer({"id": "CanadaLayerWN", "type": "symbol", "source": "canada_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wfn"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWFNEW', "icon-size": 0.15, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "CanadaLayerW1", "type": "symbol", "source": "canada_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wf1"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWF', "icon-size": 0.15, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "CanadaLayerW2", "type": "symbol", "source": "canada_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wf2"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWF', "icon-size": 0.20, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "CanadaLayerW3", "type": "symbol", "source": "canada_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wf3"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWF', "icon-size": 0.25, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "CanadaLayerW4", "type": "symbol", "source": "canada_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wf4"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWF', "icon-size": 0.30, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "CanadaLayerW5", "type": "symbol", "source": "canada_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","wf5"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsWF', "icon-size": 0.35, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addLayer({"id": "CanadaLayerCX", "type": "symbol", "source": "canada_wildfire", "filter":["==","icon","cx"], "layout": {"visibility":"visible", "icon-image": 'wfigsCX', "icon-size": 0.15, 'icon-allow-overlap':true, 'icon-ignore-placement':true, "text-allow-overlap": true},}); map.addSource('combined_wildfire_perimeter', {type: 'geojson', data: '/media/wildfire/active/wildfire_combined_perimeter.json?v='+rnna }); map.addLayer({ "id": "FEMALayerPM", "type": "fill", "source": "combined_wildfire_perimeter", "paint": {'fill-color': "#870505", 'fill-opacity':0.4, 'fill-outline-color': '#CCCCCC' } }, firstSymbolId); for (const fireIcons of ['FEMALayerWN','FEMALayerW1','FEMALayerW2','FEMALayerW3','FEMALayerW4','FEMALayerW5', 'FEMALayerRX','FEMALayerCX','FEMALayerPM']){ map.on('click', fireIcons, function (e) {new mapboxgl.Popup({ offset: 14 }).setLngLat(e.lngLat).setHTML(onCombinediPntFeature(e.features[0],'US')).addTo(map);}); } for (const fireIcons of ['CanadaLayerWN','CanadaLayerW1','CanadaLayerW2','CanadaLayerW3','CanadaLayerW4','CanadaLayerW5','CanadaLayerCX']){ map.on('click', fireIcons, function (e) {new mapboxgl.Popup({ offset: 14 }).setLngLat(e.lngLat).setHTML(onCombinediPntFeature(e.features[0],'CA')).addTo(map);}); } for (const fireIcons of ['FEMALayerWN','FEMALayerW1','FEMALayerW2','FEMALayerW3','FEMALayerW4','FEMALayerW5', 'FEMALayerRX','FEMALayerCX','FEMALayerPM','CanadaLayerWN','CanadaLayerW1','CanadaLayerW2','CanadaLayerW3','CanadaLayerW4','CanadaLayerW5','CanadaLayerCX']){ map.on('mouseenter', fireIcons, function () {map.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'pointer'; }); map.on('mouseleave', fireIcons, function () {map.getCanvas().style.cursor = ''; }); } // csloc.features.forEach(function(marker) { var el = document.createElement('div'); el.className = 'csIcon'; new mapboxgl.Marker(el).setLngLat(marker.geometry.coordinates).setPopup(new mapboxgl.Popup({ offset: 14 })).addTo(map); });});map.addControl(new mapboxgl.NavigationControl(), 'top-left');var BounceLine = null;if (BounceLine) {var bounds = new mapboxgl.LngLatBounds();BounceLine.forEach(function(Tpolygon) { Tpolygon.forEach(function(Tline){ Tline.forEach(function(Tpoint){bounds.extend(Tpoint); }) }) });map.fitBounds(bounds, { padding: 20 });}

28 and M - Wildfire and Smoke Map (2024)


How far away can you see smoke from a forest fire? ›

Wildfire smoke can travel long distances, extending far beyond the immediate fire zone. Carried by prevailing winds, it can cover hundreds, or even thousands, of miles. This means that even if a community is not close to a wildfire, it may still be exposed to its smoke.

Can you see wildfires on Google Maps? ›

Get information about active wildfires

There are different ways to find information about active wildfires on your map: Turn on the Wildfires layer: Tap Layers. the Wildfires button. Search for the fire: Enter a fire-related query into the Google Maps search box, such as “wildfires” or the name of an individual fire.

How high does wildfire smoke travel? ›

The higher the smoke reaches, the farther the smoke can travel. In some cases, this smoke can form an explosive storm cloud called Pyrocumulonimbus. These explosive clouds can launch the smoke even higher, reaching over 5 miles above the surface of the earth into the stratosphere.

Is wildfire smoke radioactive? ›

A: Based on studies conducted on controlled burns and wildfires in the Southwestern United States, the amount of radioactive material that is released during a fire is extremely low and would lead to little, if any, increase in radiation exposure.

How long does wildfire smoke stay in the air? ›

Smoke from forest fires can linger in the atmosphere for a couple of weeks as it spreads. While in the air the smoke particles chemically react with trace radicals – molecules with unpaired electrons – to undergo a process known as oxidation.

How far does smoke travel outside? ›

Studies on outdoor exposure to secondhand smoke have found:

Secondhand smoke odor is detectable at 23 feet from the source and irritation levels began 13 feet from the source.

What website tracks forest fires? ›

Fire Enterprise Geospatial Portal (EGP) is the authoritative source of standardized geospatial information for the full range of wildfire activities ranging from readiness to response to planning.

Can animals detect wildfires? ›

Can animals predict wildfires? For some wild animals, their keen sense of smell and awareness of their environment allows them to notice when a fire starts—but they have no way of knowing when and where fires will occur ahead of time.

Can planes fly in wildfire smoke? ›

While smoke can certainly reduce visibility, it can also present other hazards that pilots and flight crews need to be aware of. One of the biggest risks associated with flying in heavy smoke is the potential damage it can cause to aircraft engines.

What does wildfire smoke smell like? ›

The most interesting part is what the toxic chemicals do to the smell of smoke. While the tasty chemicals occur in food, these others have an unpleasant industrial smell. PbF smells a lot like chlorine, formaldehyde is the plasticky smell of preserved specimens in jars, and benzene is literally the smell of gasoline.

Can I breathe wildfire smoke? ›

Inhaling smoke for a short time can cause immediate effects. Smoke irritates the eyes, nose, and throat, and its odor can be nauseating. Studies show that some people exposed to heavy smoke have temporary changes in lung function that makes breathing more difficult. People can also have changes in heart function.

Does wildfire smoke get into your house? ›

You should be aware that some of the smoke from outdoors can enter your home and make it unhealthy to breathe indoor air, too.

Is wildfire smoke cancerous? ›

The study, published Tuesday in Nature Communications, found that California wildfires activate a chemical element called chromium in its carcinogenic form in soil and create heaps of cancerous ash from burned infrastructure and vegetation.

Is wildfire smoke like smoking cigarettes? ›

Inhaling Wildfire Smoke May Be The Same As Smoking This Many Cigarettes. Even short-term exposure to bad air poses major risks to your respiratory health. It's true — wildfire smoke exposure is comparable to smoking cigarettes. Experts share why smoke damage is so harmful to our lungs.

Can you see wildfire smoke from space? ›

NASA's Aqua satellite, which circles our planet from south to north over the equator, imaged the smoke from some of the region's fires, which covered about two-thirds of the Gulf of Mexico. "In places, the smoke is so thick that it obscures the blue water beneath," the space agency wrote in the statement.

How much of smoke is visible? ›

Smoke is made of tiny solid particles that are so light, they can be suspended in air. The smoke is most visible at the point it is being produced, because it is concentrated. After that the air mixes the smoke evenly. A smoke filled room will be an even amount of grey.

How many miles away can you see a fire? ›

Upon further investigation (hello, Google), I found out that two physicists put this question to the test. By taking into account the study of starlight and candle light, these scientists found the farthest distance a human eye can detect a candle flame is more like 1.6 miles.

How far away can you see a lit cigarette? ›

say 500 meters or more. It could depend on the degree of darkness, but in WWI snipers regularly shot at matches lighting cigarettes at ranges of over 250 meters.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.